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DHBC Writing Art
Prose Novellas Poetry

.:: Writing

The writing section of this site contains the webmaster's poetry and prose, which is divided up into two sections, short stories, essays and the like, and novellas and other, longer pieces. The prose pieces are mostly science fiction or fantasy. The poetry is also divided into two sections: dark and light, depending on the tone of the poem.

Some of the works in the writing section have been published previously. Of the ones displayed on this website, so far "Silence," "After Life," and "Diving into Despair" have been published in small literary magazines. Other works of the webmaster have been published, but they are not displayed here.

.:: Updates
27 April 2006
All works in the writing section are up-to-date with their content except for "Tic-Toc, Death's Knock" and Yakoji's Loot.

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